Burkland Pool
Dedicated to providing a fun, safe place for people of all ages to swim.
7800 School Avenue, Turner, Oregon
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know what level to sign my child up for?
Read through the lesson descriptions on the group lessons page. When in doubt sign up for the easier level. It is much easier for our instructors to teach a more advanced swimmer than a swimmer who should be at a lower level.
When can I sign up for lessons?
Swim lesson sign-ups will open on June 10, 2024!
When can I book a rental?
We will start taking rental applications on June 10, 2024. You can book rentals on Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. starting June 29-August 25, 2024.
Why does the cost of a rental depend on the number of swimmers?
The more swimmers that are in the pool, the more lifeguards that are required.
How do I sign my child up for the swim team and what is the cost?
The Turner Tiger Sharks swim team practices at our pool but Burkland Pool does not run the swim team. Visit our swim team page for the registration link and cost breakdowns.